Education & trainers

All the tools for your (online) courses, courses and courses.

Pluvo offers you everything you need for blended and online courses. From creating teaching materials to tests to adaptive learning paths: at Pluvo, you're in the right place.

More than 600 organisations organise their learning with Pluvo

Learn more with Pluvo

Pluvo offers you all the tools for creating your teaching materials and tests. You can easily stay in touch with your students through automated notifications & chat. And at the end of a course, you reward your students with a personalised certificate!

Create easy teaching materials

Create beautiful teaching modules and learning lines full of questions, content, learning paths, and interactivity in just a few clicks. Of course, you can put it in your own style and decide exactly who has access to what.

Stay in touch with the chat

Stay in touch with your students via our chat. This way, students can easily ask you a question, but they can also chat with each other about, for example, a group assignment. Of course, you decide who can chat with each other.

Follow your own learning path

Online and blended education is becoming more personal than ever with our comprehensive, personal learning paths. Both the course material and the learning lines are adaptive and adapt automatically based on behavior, entry day or date: you set the conditions!

Make a difference

Pluvo is full of extra functionalities that make your (online) courses even more effective and interesting.


The library is the central repository for general information and documents. Think, for example, of manuals, templates and books. This way, your students can easily find all the important information.

Submission orders

Have your students submit materials, videos, or assignments and then provide feedback on them. You can also automatically send these files to another system via one of our links.


After completing a course or after passing a test, you reward your students with a personal certificate. This way, they will feel extra motivated & valued. What a positive effect on your education!

“Pluvo is an accessible & user-friendly system that makes it very easy for us to create teaching materials. Both our teachers and students are thrilled!”

Richard Baauw

Tetrix Techniekopleidingen
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