What exercises do you use to stimulate the growth mindset of your employees?

Blended Learning

With growth mindset exercises, your employees achieve better performance and are more motivated. In this blog, you will learn how to stimulate the growth mindset in the right way with 5 exercises!

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With growth mindset exercises, your employees achieve better performance and are more motivated. In this blog, you will learn how to stimulate the growth mindset in the right way with 5 exercises!

What is a growth mindset?

With the growth mindset (or growth mindset) we indicate a certain type of mindset. But what exactly is a mindset?

One mindset is a collection of beliefs that shape how you see the world and yourself. It influences your thinking patterns, feelings, and behaviors in a given situation. Everyone can have the same goals, but everyone uses different ways to achieve them. We often call these strategies mindsets. In some cases, the type of mindset you use determines the outcome of your performance. And that's the case with the growth mindset!

But, what does the growth mindset mean?

Do you believe that your abilities are fixed? The American Psychologist Carol S. Dweck found that our opinion about this strongly determines our success and motivation. She distinguishes between two ways of thinking.

  • Fixed mindset. Also known as the fixed mindset. People who follow this mindset believe that abilities are determined by your intelligence. They believe that intelligence is defined for you from birth and that you should live with it for the rest of your life. What happens if these people fail? Then they think they won't succeed in the future either. This discourages them.
  • Growth mindset. Also known as the growth mindset. On the other hand, people who follow this mindset think that your abilities can grow. So what happens if they don't succeed? Then they see this as a learning opportunity and persevere. They are motivated to improve themselves.
It should come as no surprise that the growth mindset leads to more success. The mindset of these people is not only motivating, but is most likely also based on truth.

After all, there is more and more scientific evidence that our brain plastic are. This means that not only does our brain change and grow during childhood, but that the brain continues to adapt throughout life. These adjustments mainly occur as a result of learning experiences. After each learning experience, your brain becomes more effective and smarter, and can function faster while performing a given task. So there is no reason to believe that a certain task will never be among your skills!

Want to know more about motivation? Here we wrote about the intrinsic motivation, and how you can stimulate them through e-learning.

5 growth mindset exercises with e-learning

As a teacher, you can stimulate your students' growth mindset so that they stay motivated and are more likely to succeed. Of course, this can be done through on-site training, but a online learning environment (like Pluvo) can also help you with this!

How? With these 5 growth mindset exercises you can do that.

Exercise 1) Positive feedback stimulates growth mindset

It is important that employees become aware that making mistakes is not a disaster. As a result, they are more likely to live up to the growth mindset, because they will recognise that mistakes actually ensure that a learning experience takes place. There are a number of ways you can do this. First, make sure that the message students see after giving the wrong answer has a positive and stimulating tone.

So not: “This answer is wrong.”

But for example: “Good try, but unfortunately this is not the answer we are looking for. Otherwise, read paragraph x again. That's where you'll find the right answer.”

It also works well to let students give each other (stimulating) feedback. This is also called peer feedback. People are often more critical of themselves than they are of others. When students become aware that others are also receiving criticism, they are more likely to see criticism as a gift that helps them to develop further.

Exercise 2) Grow with a personal learning path

The growth mindset assumes that you learn through trial and error. But falling alone is not stimulating. Therefore, make sure that your students are challenged, but also experience success.

In an online course, you can easily create a personal learning path on. Suppose someone has trouble with a certain part of the course. Study exactly what he or she is having trouble with. You can do this easily and quickly in a Learning Management System (LMS), such as Pluvo. Then split the difficult parts into two separate chapters.

It is then much more likely that the person will successfully complete one of these chapters. After every success, someone experiences a positive, rewarding feeling. Your student will associate this feeling with your online training, which ultimately ensures that the student will go through other chapters with more motivation.

Another way is to hints to be added to assignments. Only do this for assignments that you have made a little more difficult. This way, you let your students think for themselves, but you don't let them do everything alone.

Exercise 3) A second chance offers the opportunity to grow

Are your students not passing their tests right away? Then offer them retakes and encourage them to dive back into the material. One way to do this is to have students reread the material if they answer incorrectly, and then test them again. In Pluvo, you can use the “review chapter” function for this.

Note: your ultimate goal is for your students to develop, not to succeed no matter what.

So don't offer them endless opportunities and only give them a pass if they really have sufficient control over the material. Do you notice that a student works hard but keeps getting insufficient grades? Then try to support them personally. Review the learning strategy together and ask them: What can be done differently?

Exercise 4) Process-based feedback

After growth, successes come and they need to be celebrated! Periodically reflect on the successes of your students. For example, at the beginning of a chapter, add text like this:

“Congratulations! You worked hard and completed the previous chapter successfully.”

Focus on learning objectives achieved and what someone has already learned. For example, by adding the following piece of text. This works like a virtual pat on the back.

Here's what you can do now:

  • You know how to have a negotiation conversation;
  • You know the main selling points;
  • You are aware of your body language”.

Learn more about learning objectives? This is how you use them effectively.

Extra: Child growth mindset exercises

It's important to compliment your students for their efforts instead of their results. Because they can work on their commitment (growth mindset) and not on their intelligence (fixed mindset). Out research appears that this growth mindset exercise is also effective for the development and upbringing of children. For example, it has been found that children of mothers who regularly provided process-based feedback are more likely to develop a growth mindset - and also function better later in life! In contrast to the children of mothers who complimented the child's certain skills.

So not: “What a lovely child you are!”
But right: “How great that you worked on this sandcastle for so long!”

Exercise 5) Tell your students about the growth mindset

The easiest way to to stimulate growth mindset with your students, is by sharing the theory behind it with them. Therefore, explain to them that abilities can always develop and that making mistakes is part of the learning process. You may also share studies that show that the brain is plastic. In this way, students can detach themselves from a fixed mindset and start seeing opportunities!

Want to know more about how to use online training to achieve better results? Read this blog with 10 e-learning tips.

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